Welcome to Me: Take Two

June 16, 2008 feelabustier
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Welcome to my new blog. I’m not new to blogging as this would be number 9 or 10, but this is the most recent and purposeful. I decided to create a new place to discuss my latest passion…well, my latest testeroterone free passion; ME!

I’m a divorced mother of two and after 13 years, I kinda let myself go. My dreams, my likes and dislikes, the ME that I used to be. As I branch into this new phase of my life, I’m re-discovering the things that defined me and that made me happy. I’m rebuilding my body as well as my spirit and there may be some journey to love or at least polite dating thrown in for good measure.

Lately, I’ve taken a liking to YouTube and not just those silly cat videos or the Numa Numa guy, but self improvement videos. You would be amazed with the community that has developed over these modems. As a self declared feminist, I’m all about things that empower women and for me, that has been videos about health care, sexual wellness and beauty. I’m nearly obsessed.

After watching a few vids from CandieCC and BarstowMama, I decided to plunge in and venture into my own journey with beauty and self confidence. I have always loved make up and elegant plumage, but now, I’m taking it to the next level. Now, I’m shifting into high gear.

Last week, I did my first “Hauls”, whereby one shops until they drops, bargain hunts and locates the latest and greatest cosmetics. Avon first, Ebay next, a few orders from Sephora and now, whatever I run across. It’s actually like a scavenger hunt. I even wandered into a dollar store for the first time since I was a near homeless college student with a specific list of purchases on my mind. It did not dissappoint.

I plan to update this page regularly with videos and pictures of my journey. I hope you will enjoy the ride with me.



Entry Filed under: Friends,General,Haul,Product Reviews

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